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Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA)

COURSE COST $145. A $50 DEPOSIT APPLIES TO EACH COURSE. REMAINING COURSE FEES PAID AT THE END OF THE COURSE. The RSA is a workshop-style course that trains people, wishing to gain employment working in licenced premises, to be compliant with the current legislation on the Service of Alcohol in NSW. This course will cover the legal responsibilities surrounding the service of alcohol, defining a standard drink and understanding the strengths of various types of drinks, recognising... [More]
Assessments are made against units of competency from the Certificate II in Hospitality SIT20207.
  • Provide responsible service of alcohol (SITHFAB201)

Responsible Conduct of Gambling (RCG)

COURSE COST $120. A $50 DEPOSIT APPLIES TO EACH COURSE. REMAINING COURSE FEES MUST BE PAID AT THE END OF THE COURSE. The RCG is a workshop-style course, that is compulsory for anyone working in and around gaming venues in NSW. Any staff working in gaming areas on licensed premises are to complete an approved Responsible Conduct of Gambling course before commencing employment. This course will train student in areas such as the law and legislation in NSW as it applies to gambling,... [More]
Assessments are made against units of competency from the Certificate II in Hospitality SIT20207.
  • Provide responsible gambling services (SITHGAM201)